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Surrender, but Never Give Up!

Transform your personal life. Transform your business life.

Speaking Engagements

Rob has been seen on Fox News, ExtraTV, MSN, CBS, NewsNation, NY Post and CW to name a few, and has mentored and coached executives all over the world, passing on his lessons learned, giving them skills they need to be successful in their personal and business life.

Rob is available for speaking engagements for your company, organization or group. View his talks below and reach out to learn more and get on the schedule.

Overcome Adversity, Crush Quota & Create Customers for Life

In this interactive presentation, Rob shares his proven Triple A formula to overcome adversity, build resilience, and create customers for life. Rob ignites the audience to go beyond adversity and use each set back, small and large, to build resilience.

Go-to-market executives today struggle with; driving consistent revenue growth in the face of adversity, building trust with customers in a hybrid selling environment and the skills to overcome adversity and build resilience. Not addressing these challenges leads to inconsistent revenue, low customer satisfaction, and misaligned teams.

Resilience empowers you to thrive in the face of adversity, to manage stress and uncertainty, and develop a growth mindset. In these uncertain times, the ability to build resilience will transform your personal and professional life, giving you a deeper connection to those you love and the customers you serve.

Overcome Adversity, Build Resilience in Your Personal and Professional Life

Rob challenges the audience to go beyond adversity and use each set back, small and large, to build resilience. In this interactive presentation, Rob shares his proven Triple A formula to overcome adversity, build resilience, and the foundation for stronger mental health.

Resilience empowers you to thrive in the face of adversity, to manage stress and uncertainty, and develop a growth mindset. In these uncertain times, the ability to build resilience will transform your personal and professional relationships, creating deeper human connections.

Rob Swymer

Surrender, but Never Give Up; The Power of Adversity Stacking

Rob will share with audiences the concept of ‘adversity stacking’. In this interactive presentation, Rob shares his proven Triple A formula to overcome adversity, build resilience and move toward your life’s purpose. Rob ignites the audience to go beyond adversity and use each set back, small and large, to build resilience. Taking these three steps will allow you to use adversity to your advantage in your personal and professional life.

The concept of adversity stacking is used to cope with life and business challenges. Having faced learning disabilities, addiction recovery, suicidal ideation and losing his beloved wife suddenly to name a few. He learned that the more adversity we face, the more resilient we trust ourselves to become.

Rob Swymer

TEDx Talk

Rob recently gave a TEDx talk at his alma mater. Talk notes:

Think about a challenge you have faced. How did it make you feel? How did you overcome it? Rob shares his “Triple-A” formula to overcome any adversity and build resilience for what might come next, ultimately finding what sparks you and discovering your true purpose in life.